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Strong. Proud.

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Founded in 1879, the AAMC is an independent, inclusive community that promotes the interests of Mills alumnae through action, information, and lifelong connections and learning. We link students and alumnae, co-sponsor events with the College, help plan Reunion, organize travel programs, and celebrate the outstanding achievements of Mills alumnae.


Alumnae Community

The AAMC is a partner in the Mills College Alumnae Community, an online space where alumnae can find friends, network, and share news.


The activities of the AAMC, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation, are funded by the association's endowment. AAMC invites members to make gifts to the AAMC endowment.

Contact Us

Mills College
5000 MacArthur Blvd.,
MB #86
Oakland, CA 94613
Phone: 510.430.2110